Novel Artworks "companion piece" 01

Steve Porter

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Paper, card, paint, glue & pencil on a wooden frame.

Sized: 45.5cm/61cm

This is a "companion piece", made from the same materials and processes as the larger, Novel Artwork triptrchs. Whereas the three novel artwork triptychs each focus on a singular novel (Social Wallpaper, Fireworks and The Airplane), the "companion" pieces combine all three.

Here, text is overlaid with fragments from other stories, and rather than showing "everything" which is the intention of the triptychs, the companions rely on excerpts, randomly thrust together. The idea is to show "something" then - perhaps as if many radio stations were broadcasting at once.

The main body of printed papers used are recycled directly from the production of the triptychs. Here, the coloured circles are "missing" instead of being the feature...

The pencil lines form semi-horizontal waves (!) rather than collapsing into the infinity symbol. The application is rough and struggles where it meets the glue.

Interestingly, the first glues applied made the colour of the print run a bit, adding a more painterly sense. The second glues were able to seal and glaze without this being such an issue. 

The paint is dribbled as randomly as the excerpts were collated - with the exception of the Social Wallpaper texts, which are more heavily streaked and were a rejected first attempt during the making of the main novel artwork pieces. This creates an interesting juxtaposition between empty and full.

The colours of the motif's join to create new shapes.

They have been great fun to make.


